Source code for pypdfium2._helpers.bitmap

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 geisserml <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause

__all__ = ("PdfBitmap", "PdfBitmapInfo")

import ctypes
import logging
import weakref
from collections import namedtuple
import pypdfium2.raw as pdfium_c
import pypdfium2.internal as pdfium_i
from pypdfium2._helpers.misc import PdfiumError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import PIL.Image
except ImportError:
    PIL = None

    import numpy
except ImportError:
    numpy = None

[docs] class PdfBitmap (pdfium_i.AutoCloseable): """ Bitmap helper class. Hint: This class provides built-in converters (e. g. :meth:`.to_pil`, :meth:`.to_numpy`) that may be used to create a different representation of the bitmap. Converters can be applied on :class:`.PdfBitmap` objects either as bound method (``bitmap.to_*()``), or as function (``PdfBitmap.to_*(bitmap)``) The second pattern is useful for API methods that need to apply a caller-provided converter (e. g. :meth:`.PdfDocument.render`) .. _PIL Modes: Note: All attributes of :class:`.PdfBitmapInfo` are available in this class as well. Warning: ``bitmap.close()``, which frees the buffer of foreign bitmaps, is not validated for safety. A bitmap must not be closed when other objects still depend on its buffer! Attributes: raw (FPDF_BITMAP): The underlying PDFium bitmap handle. buffer (~ctypes.c_ubyte): A ctypes array representation of the pixel data (each item is an unsigned byte, i. e. a number ranging from 0 to 255). """ def __init__(self, raw, buffer, width, height, stride, format, rev_byteorder, needs_free): self.raw, self.buffer, self.width, self.height = raw, buffer, width, height self.stride, self.format, self.rev_byteorder = stride, format, rev_byteorder self.n_channels = pdfium_i.BitmapTypeToNChannels[self.format] self.mode = (pdfium_i.BitmapTypeToStrReverse if self.rev_byteorder else pdfium_i.BitmapTypeToStr)[self.format] super().__init__(pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_Destroy, needs_free=needs_free, obj=self.buffer) @property def parent(self): # AutoCloseable hook return None
[docs] def get_info(self): """ Returns: PdfBitmapInfo: A namedtuple describing the bitmap. """ return PdfBitmapInfo( width=self.width, height=self.height, stride=self.stride, format=self.format, rev_byteorder=self.rev_byteorder, n_channels=self.n_channels, mode=self.mode, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_raw(cls, raw, rev_byteorder=False, ex_buffer=None): """ Construct a :class:`.PdfBitmap` wrapper around a raw PDFium bitmap handle. Parameters: raw (FPDF_BITMAP): PDFium bitmap handle. rev_byteorder (bool): Whether the bitmap uses reverse byte order. ex_buffer (~ctypes.c_ubyte | None): If the bitmap was created from a buffer allocated by Python/ctypes, pass in the ctypes array to keep it referenced. """ width = pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_GetWidth(raw) height = pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_GetHeight(raw) format = pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_GetFormat(raw) stride = pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_GetStride(raw) if ex_buffer is None: needs_free = True buffer_ptr = pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer(raw) if buffer_ptr is None: raise PdfiumError("Failed to get bitmap buffer (null pointer returned)") buffer = ctypes.cast(buffer_ptr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte * (stride * height))).contents else: needs_free = False buffer = ex_buffer return cls( raw=raw, buffer=buffer, width=width, height=height, stride=stride, format=format, rev_byteorder=rev_byteorder, needs_free=needs_free, )
# TODO support setting stride if external buffer is provided
[docs] @classmethod def new_native(cls, width, height, format, rev_byteorder=False, buffer=None): """ Create a new bitmap using :func:`FPDFBitmap_CreateEx`, with a buffer allocated by Python/ctypes. Bitmaps created by this function are always packed (no unused bytes at line end). """ stride = width * pdfium_i.BitmapTypeToNChannels[format] if buffer is None: buffer = (ctypes.c_ubyte * (stride * height))() raw = pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_CreateEx(width, height, format, buffer, stride) # alternatively, we could call the constructor directly with the information from above return cls.from_raw(raw, rev_byteorder, buffer)
[docs] @classmethod def new_foreign(cls, width, height, format, rev_byteorder=False, force_packed=False): """ Create a new bitmap using :func:`FPDFBitmap_CreateEx`, with a buffer allocated by PDFium. Using this method is discouraged. Prefer :meth:`.new_native` instead. """ stride = width * pdfium_i.BitmapTypeToNChannels[format] if force_packed else 0 raw = pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_CreateEx(width, height, format, None, stride) return cls.from_raw(raw, rev_byteorder)
[docs] @classmethod def new_foreign_simple(cls, width, height, use_alpha, rev_byteorder=False): """ Create a new bitmap using :func:`FPDFBitmap_Create`. The buffer is allocated by PDFium. The resulting bitmap is supposed to be packed (i. e. no gap of unused bytes between lines). Using this method is discouraged. Prefer :meth:`.new_native` instead. """ raw = pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_Create(width, height, use_alpha) return cls.from_raw(raw, rev_byteorder)
[docs] def fill_rect(self, left, top, width, height, color): """ Fill a rectangle on the bitmap with the given color. The coordinate system starts at the top left corner of the image. Note: This function replaces the color values in the given rectangle. It does not perform alpha compositing. Parameters: color (tuple[int, int, int, int]): RGBA fill color (a tuple of 4 integers ranging from 0 to 255). """ c_color = pdfium_i.color_tohex(color, self.rev_byteorder) pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_FillRect(self, left, top, width, height, c_color)
# Requirement: If the result is a view of the buffer (not a copy), it keeps the referenced memory valid. # # Note that memory management differs between native and foreign bitmap buffers: # - With native bitmaps, the memory is allocated by python on creation of the buffer object (transparent). # - With foreign bitmaps, the buffer object is merely a view of memory allocated by pdfium and will be freed by finalizer (opaque). # # It is necessary that receivers correctly handle both cases, e.g. by keeping the buffer object itself alive. # As of May 2023, this seems to hold true for NumPy and PIL. New converters should be carefully tested. # # We could consider attaching a buffer keep-alive finalizer to any converted objects referencing the buffer, # but then we'd have to rely on third parties to actually create a reference at all times, otherwise we would unnecessarily delay releasing memory.
[docs] def to_numpy(self): """ Convert the bitmap to a :mod:`numpy` array. The array contains as many rows as the bitmap is high. Each row contains as many pixels as the bitmap is wide. The length of each pixel corresponds to the number of channels. The resulting array is supposed to share memory with the original bitmap buffer, so changes to the buffer should be reflected in the array, and vice versa. Returns: numpy.ndarray: NumPy array (representation of the bitmap buffer). """ # array = numpy.ndarray( # layout: row major shape = (self.height, self.width, self.n_channels), dtype = ctypes.c_ubyte, buffer = self.buffer, # number of bytes per item for each nesting level (outer->inner, i. e. row, pixel, value) strides = (self.stride, self.n_channels, 1), ) return array
[docs] def to_pil(self): """ Convert the bitmap to a :mod:`PIL` image, using :func:`PIL.Image.frombuffer`. For ``RGBA``, ``RGBX`` and ``L`` buffers, PIL is supposed to share memory with the original bitmap buffer, so changes to the buffer should be reflected in the image, and vice versa. Otherwise, PIL will make a copy of the data. Returns: PIL.Image.Image: PIL image (representation or copy of the bitmap buffer). .. versionchanged:: 4.16 Set ``image.readonly = False`` so that changes to the image are also reflected in the buffer. """ # # dest_mode = pdfium_i.BitmapTypeToStrReverse[self.format] image = PIL.Image.frombuffer( dest_mode, # target color format (self.width, self.height), # size self.buffer, # buffer "raw", # decoder self.mode, # input color format self.stride, # bytes per line 1, # orientation (top->bottom) ) image.readonly = False return image
[docs] @classmethod def from_pil(cls, pil_image, recopy=False): """ Convert a :mod:`PIL` image to a PDFium bitmap. Due to the restricted number of color formats and bit depths supported by PDFium's bitmap implementation, this may be a lossy operation. Bitmaps returned by this function should be treated as immutable (i.e. don't call :meth:`.fill_rect`). Parameters: pil_image (PIL.Image.Image): The image. Returns: PdfBitmap: PDFium bitmap (with a copy of the PIL image's data). .. deprecated:: 4.25 The *recopy* parameter has been deprecated. """ if pil_image.mode in pdfium_i.BitmapStrToConst: # PIL always seems to represent BGR(A/X) input as RGB(A/X), so this code passage is probably only hit for L format = pdfium_i.BitmapStrToConst[pil_image.mode] else: pil_image = _pil_convert_for_pdfium(pil_image) format = pdfium_i.BitmapStrReverseToConst[pil_image.mode] py_buffer = pil_image.tobytes() if recopy: buffer = (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(py_buffer)).from_buffer_copy(py_buffer) else: buffer = py_buffer w, h = pil_image.size return cls.new_native(w, h, format, rev_byteorder=False, buffer=buffer)
# TODO implement from_numpy() def _pil_convert_for_pdfium(pil_image): # FIXME? convoluted / hard to understand; improve control flow if pil_image.mode == "1": pil_image = pil_image.convert("L") elif pil_image.mode.startswith("RGB"): pass elif "A" in pil_image.mode: pil_image = pil_image.convert("RGBA") else: pil_image = pil_image.convert("RGB") # convert RGB(A/X) to BGR(A) for PDFium if pil_image.mode == "RGB": r, g, b = pil_image.split() pil_image = PIL.Image.merge("RGB", (b, g, r)) elif pil_image.mode == "RGBA": r, g, b, a = pil_image.split() pil_image = PIL.Image.merge("RGBA", (b, g, r, a)) elif pil_image.mode == "RGBX": # technically the x channel may be unnecessary, but preserve what the caller passes in r, g, b, x = pil_image.split() pil_image = PIL.Image.merge("RGBX", (b, g, r, x)) return pil_image PdfBitmapInfo = namedtuple("PdfBitmapInfo", "width height stride format rev_byteorder n_channels mode") """ Attributes: width (int): Width of the bitmap (horizontal size). height (int): Height of the bitmap (vertical size). stride (int): Number of bytes per line in the bitmap buffer. Depending on how the bitmap was created, there may be a padding of unused bytes at the end of each line, so this value can be greater than ``width * n_channels``. format (int): PDFium bitmap format constant (:attr:`FPDFBitmap_*`) rev_byteorder (bool): Whether the bitmap is using reverse byte order. n_channels (int): Number of channels per pixel. mode (str): The bitmap format as string (see `PIL Modes`_). """