Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 geisserml <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause

__all__ = ("PdfPage", "PdfColorScheme")

import math
import ctypes
import logging
import pypdfium2.raw as pdfium_c
import pypdfium2.internal as pdfium_i
from pypdfium2._helpers.misc import PdfiumError
from pypdfium2._helpers.bitmap import PdfBitmap
from pypdfium2._helpers.textpage import PdfTextPage
from pypdfium2._helpers.pageobjects import PdfObject

c_float = ctypes.c_float
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PdfPage (pdfium_i.AutoCloseable): """ Page helper class. Attributes: raw (FPDF_PAGE): The underlying PDFium page handle. pdf (PdfDocument): Reference to the document this page belongs to. """ def __init__(self, raw, pdf, formenv): self.raw, self.pdf, self.formenv = raw, pdf, formenv super().__init__(PdfPage._close_impl, self.formenv) @staticmethod def _close_impl(raw, formenv): if formenv: pdfium_c.FORM_OnBeforeClosePage(raw, formenv) pdfium_c.FPDF_ClosePage(raw) @property def parent(self): # AutoCloseable hook # Might want to have this point to the direct parent, i. e. (self.pdf if formenv is None else self.formenv), but this might confuse callers expecting that parent be always pdf for pages. return self.pdf
[docs] def get_width(self): """ Returns: float: Page width (horizontal size), in PDF canvas units. """ return pdfium_c.FPDF_GetPageWidthF(self)
[docs] def get_height(self): """ Returns: float: Page height (vertical size), in PDF canvas units. """ return pdfium_c.FPDF_GetPageHeightF(self)
[docs] def get_size(self): """ Returns: (float, float): Page width and height, in PDF canvas units. """ return (self.get_width(), self.get_height())
# NOTE {get,set}_rotation() deliberately fail with dict access error in case of invalid values
[docs] def get_rotation(self): """ Returns: int: Clockwise page rotation in degrees. """ return pdfium_i.RotationToDegrees[ pdfium_c.FPDFPage_GetRotation(self) ]
[docs] def set_rotation(self, rotation): """ Define the absolute, clockwise page rotation (0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees). """ pdfium_c.FPDFPage_SetRotation(self, pdfium_i.RotationToConst[rotation])
def _get_box(self, box_func, fallback_func, fallback_ok): left, bottom, right, top = c_float(), c_float(), c_float(), c_float() ok = box_func(self, left, bottom, right, top) if not ok: return (fallback_func() if fallback_ok else None) return (left.value, bottom.value, right.value, top.value) # NOTE in case further arguments are needed (besides fallback_ok), then use *args, **kwargs in callers
[docs] def get_mediabox(self, fallback_ok=True): """ Returns: (float, float, float, float) | None: The page MediaBox in PDF canvas units, consisting of four coordinates (usually x0, y0, x1, y1). If MediaBox is not defined, returns ANSI A (0, 0, 612, 792) if ``fallback_ok=True``, None otherwise. Note: Due to quirks in PDFium's public API, all ``get_*box()`` functions except :meth:`.get_bbox` do not inherit from parent nodes in the page tree (as of PDFium 5418). """ # return self._get_box(pdfium_c.FPDFPage_GetMediaBox, lambda: (0, 0, 612, 792), fallback_ok)
[docs] def set_mediabox(self, l, b, r, t): """ Set the page's MediaBox by passing four :class:`float` coordinates (usually x0, y0, x1, y1). """ pdfium_c.FPDFPage_SetMediaBox(self, l, b, r, t)
[docs] def get_cropbox(self, fallback_ok=True): """ Returns: The page's CropBox (If not defined, falls back to MediaBox). """ return self._get_box(pdfium_c.FPDFPage_GetCropBox, self.get_mediabox, fallback_ok)
[docs] def set_cropbox(self, l, b, r, t): """ Set the page's CropBox. """ pdfium_c.FPDFPage_SetCropBox(self, l, b, r, t)
[docs] def get_bleedbox(self, fallback_ok=True): """ Returns: The page's BleedBox (If not defined, falls back to CropBox). """ return self._get_box(pdfium_c.FPDFPage_GetBleedBox, self.get_cropbox, fallback_ok)
[docs] def set_bleedbox(self, l, b, r, t): """ Set the page's BleedBox. """ pdfium_c.FPDFPage_SetBleedBox(self, l, b, r, t)
[docs] def get_trimbox(self, fallback_ok=True): """ Returns: The page's TrimBox (If not defined, falls back to CropBox). """ return self._get_box(pdfium_c.FPDFPage_GetTrimBox, self.get_cropbox, fallback_ok)
[docs] def set_trimbox(self, l, b, r, t): """ Set the page's TrimBox. """ pdfium_c.FPDFPage_SetTrimBox(self, l, b, r, t)
[docs] def get_artbox(self, fallback_ok=True): """ Returns: The page's ArtBox (If not defined, falls back to CropBox). """ return self._get_box(pdfium_c.FPDFPage_GetArtBox, self.get_cropbox, fallback_ok)
[docs] def set_artbox(self, l, b, r, t): """ Set the page's ArtBox. """ pdfium_c.FPDFPage_SetArtBox(self, l, b, r, t)
[docs] def get_bbox(self): """ Returns: The bounding box of the page (the intersection between its media box and crop box). """ rect = pdfium_c.FS_RECTF() ok = pdfium_c.FPDF_GetPageBoundingBox(self, rect) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to get page bounding box.") return (rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right,
# TODO add bindings to FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip()
[docs] def get_textpage(self): """ Returns: PdfTextPage: A new text page handle for this page. """ raw_textpage = pdfium_c.FPDFText_LoadPage(self) if not raw_textpage: raise PdfiumError("Failed to load text page.") textpage = PdfTextPage(raw_textpage, self) self._add_kid(textpage) return textpage
[docs] def insert_obj(self, pageobj): """ Insert a page object into the page. The page object must not belong to a page yet. If it belongs to a PDF, this page must be part of the PDF. Position and form are defined by the object's matrix. If it is the identity matrix, the object will appear as-is on the bottom left corner of the page. Parameters: pageobj (PdfObject): The page object to insert. """ if raise ValueError("The pageobject you attempted to insert already belongs to a page.") if pageobj.pdf and (pageobj.pdf is not self.pdf): raise ValueError("The pageobject you attempted to insert belongs to a different PDF.") pdfium_c.FPDFPage_InsertObject(self, pageobj) pageobj._detach_finalizer() = self pageobj.pdf = self.pdf
[docs] def remove_obj(self, pageobj): """ Remove a page object from the page. As of PDFium 5692, detached page objects may be only re-inserted into existing pages of the same document. If the page object is not re-inserted into a page, its ``close()`` method may be called. Parameters: pageobj (PdfObject): The page object to remove. """ if is not self: raise ValueError("The page object you attempted to remove is not part of this page.") ok = pdfium_c.FPDFPage_RemoveObject(self, pageobj) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to remove pageobject.") = None pageobj._attach_finalizer()
[docs] def gen_content(self): """ Generate page content to apply additions, removals or modifications of page objects. If page content was changed, this function should be called once before saving the document or re-loading the page. """ ok = pdfium_c.FPDFPage_GenerateContent(self) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to generate page content.")
[docs] def get_objects(self, filter=None, max_depth=2, form=None, level=0): """ Iterate through the page objects on this page. Parameters: filter (list[int] | None): An optional list of page object types to filter (:attr:`FPDF_PAGEOBJ_*`). Any objects whose type is not contained will be skipped. If None or empty, all objects will be provided, regardless of their type. max_depth (int): Maximum recursion depth to consider when descending into Form XObjects. Yields: :class:`.PdfObject`: A page object. """ # TODO? close skipped objects explicitly ? if form: count_objects = pdfium_c.FPDFFormObj_CountObjects get_object = pdfium_c.FPDFFormObj_GetObject parent = form else: count_objects = pdfium_c.FPDFPage_CountObjects get_object = pdfium_c.FPDFPage_GetObject parent = self n_objects = count_objects(parent) if n_objects < 0: raise PdfiumError("Failed to get number of page objects.") for i in range(n_objects): raw_obj = get_object(parent, i) if raw_obj is None: raise PdfiumError("Failed to get page object.") helper_obj = PdfObject(raw_obj, page=self, pdf=self.pdf, level=level) self._add_kid(helper_obj) if not filter or helper_obj.type in filter: yield helper_obj if helper_obj.type == pdfium_c.FPDF_PAGEOBJ_FORM and level < max_depth-1: yield from self.get_objects( filter = filter, max_depth = max_depth, form = raw_obj, level = level + 1, )
# non-public because it doesn't really work (returns success but does nothing on all samples we tried) def _flatten(self, flag=pdfium_c.FLAT_NORMALDISPLAY): """ Attempt to flatten annotations and form fields into the page contents. Parameters: flag (int): PDFium flattening target (:attr:`FLAT_*`) Returns: int: PDFium flattening status (:attr:`FLATTEN_*`). :attr:`FLATTEN_FAIL` is handled internally. """ rc = pdfium_c.FPDFPage_Flatten(self, flag) if rc == pdfium_c.FLATTEN_FAIL: raise PdfiumError("Failed to flatten annotations / form fields.") return rc # TODO # - add helpers for matrix-based and interruptible rendering # - add lower-level renderer that takes a caller-provided bitmap # e. g. render(), render_ex(), render_matrix(), render_matrix_ex()
[docs] def render( self, scale = 1, rotation = 0, crop = (0, 0, 0, 0), may_draw_forms = True, bitmap_maker = PdfBitmap.new_native, color_scheme = None, fill_to_stroke = False, **kwargs ): """ Rasterize the page to a :class:`.PdfBitmap`. Parameters: scale (float): A factor scaling the number of pixels per PDF canvas unit. This defines the resolution of the image. To convert a DPI value to a scale factor, multiply it by the size of 1 canvas unit in inches (usually 1/72in). [#user_unit]_ rotation (int): Additional rotation in degrees (0, 90, 180, or 270). crop (tuple[float, float, float, float]): Amount in PDF canvas units to cut off from page borders (left, bottom, right, top). Crop is applied after rotation. may_draw_forms (bool): If True, render form fields (provided the document has forms and :meth:`~PdfDocument.init_forms` was called). bitmap_maker (typing.Callable): Callback function used to create the :class:`.PdfBitmap`. color_scheme (PdfColorScheme | None): An optional, custom rendering color scheme. fill_to_stroke (bool): If True and rendering with custom color scheme, fill paths will be stroked. fill_color (tuple[int, int, int, int]): Color the bitmap will be filled with before rendering (RGBA values from 0 to 255). grayscale (bool): If True, render in grayscale mode. optimize_mode (None | str): Page rendering optimization mode (None, "lcd", "print"). draw_annots (bool): If True, render page annotations. no_smoothtext (bool): If True, disable text anti-aliasing. Overrides ``optimize_mode="lcd"``. no_smoothimage (bool): If True, disable image anti-aliasing. no_smoothpath (bool): If True, disable path anti-aliasing. force_halftone (bool): If True, always use halftone for image stretching. limit_image_cache (bool): If True, limit image cache size. rev_byteorder (bool): If True, render with reverse byte order, leading to ``RGB(A/X)`` output instead of ``BGR(A/X)``. Other pixel formats are not affected. prefer_bgrx (bool): If True, prefer four-channel over three-channel pixel formats, even if the alpha byte is unused. Other pixel formats are not affected. force_bitmap_format (int | None): If given, override automatic pixel format selection and enforce use of the given format (one of the :attr:`FPDFBitmap_*` constants). extra_flags (int): Additional PDFium rendering flags. May be combined with bitwise OR (``|`` operator). Returns: PdfBitmap: Bitmap of the rendered page. .. [#user_unit] Since PDF 1.6, pages may define an additional user unit factor. In this case, 1 canvas unit is equivalent to ``user_unit * (1/72)`` inches. PDFium currently does not have an API to get the user unit, so this is not taken into account. """ src_width = math.ceil(self.get_width() * scale) src_height = math.ceil(self.get_height() * scale) if rotation in (90, 270): src_width, src_height = src_height, src_width crop = [math.ceil(c*scale) for c in crop] width = src_width - crop[0] - crop[2] height = src_height - crop[1] - crop[3] if any(d < 1 for d in (width, height)): raise ValueError("Crop exceeds page dimensions") cl_format, rev_byteorder, fill_color, flags = _parse_renderopts(**kwargs) if (color_scheme is not None) and fill_to_stroke: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_CONVERT_FILL_TO_STROKE bitmap = bitmap_maker(width, height, format=cl_format, rev_byteorder=rev_byteorder) bitmap.fill_rect(0, 0, width, height, fill_color) render_args = (bitmap, self, -crop[0], -crop[3], src_width, src_height, pdfium_i.RotationToConst[rotation], flags) if color_scheme is None: pdfium_c.FPDF_RenderPageBitmap(*render_args) else: pause = pdfium_c.IFSDK_PAUSE(version=1) pdfium_i.set_callback(pause, "NeedToPauseNow", lambda _: False) fpdf_cs = color_scheme.convert(rev_byteorder) status = pdfium_c.FPDF_RenderPageBitmapWithColorScheme_Start(*render_args, fpdf_cs, pause) assert status == pdfium_c.FPDF_RENDER_DONE pdfium_c.FPDF_RenderPage_Close(self) if may_draw_forms and self.formenv: pdfium_c.FPDF_FFLDraw(self.formenv, *render_args) return bitmap
def _auto_bitmap_format(fill_color, grayscale, prefer_bgrx): # TODO(apibreak) we'd like to also use BGRA if FPDFPage_HasTransparency(page) is True for performance reasons (see [1]), but this may break caller format expectations, and would make format selection document-dependent # [1]: if (fill_color[3] < 255): return pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_BGRA elif grayscale: return pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_Gray elif prefer_bgrx: return pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_BGRx else: return pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_BGR def _parse_renderopts( fill_color = (255, 255, 255, 255), grayscale = False, optimize_mode = None, draw_annots = True, no_smoothtext = False, no_smoothimage = False, no_smoothpath = False, force_halftone = False, limit_image_cache = False, rev_byteorder = False, prefer_bgrx = False, force_bitmap_format = None, extra_flags = 0, ): if force_bitmap_format is None: cl_format = _auto_bitmap_format(fill_color, grayscale, prefer_bgrx) else: cl_format = force_bitmap_format if cl_format == pdfium_c.FPDFBitmap_Gray: rev_byteorder = False flags = extra_flags if grayscale: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_GRAYSCALE if draw_annots: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_ANNOT if no_smoothtext: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_RENDER_NO_SMOOTHTEXT if no_smoothimage: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_RENDER_NO_SMOOTHIMAGE if no_smoothpath: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_RENDER_NO_SMOOTHPATH if force_halftone: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_RENDER_FORCEHALFTONE if limit_image_cache: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_RENDER_LIMITEDIMAGECACHE if rev_byteorder: flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER if optimize_mode: optimize_mode = optimize_mode.lower() if optimize_mode == "lcd": flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_LCD_TEXT elif optimize_mode == "print": flags |= pdfium_c.FPDF_PRINTING else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid optimize_mode {optimize_mode}") # TODO consider using a namedtuple or something return cl_format, rev_byteorder, fill_color, flags
[docs] class PdfColorScheme: """ Rendering color scheme. Each color shall be provided as a list of values for red, green, blue and alpha, ranging from 0 to 255. """ def __init__(self, path_fill, path_stroke, text_fill, text_stroke): self.colors = dict( path_fill_color=path_fill, path_stroke_color=path_stroke, text_fill_color=text_fill, text_stroke_color=text_stroke, )
[docs] def convert(self, rev_byteorder): """ Returns: The color scheme as :class:`FPDF_COLORSCHEME` object. """ fpdf_cs = pdfium_c.FPDF_COLORSCHEME() for key, value in self.colors.items(): setattr(fpdf_cs, key, pdfium_i.color_tohex(value, rev_byteorder)) return fpdf_cs