Source code for pypdfium2._helpers.pageobjects

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 geisserml <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause

__all__ = ("PdfObject", "PdfImage")

import ctypes
from ctypes import c_uint, c_float
from pathlib import Path
from collections import namedtuple
import pypdfium2.raw as pdfium_c
import pypdfium2.internal as pdfium_i
from pypdfium2._helpers.misc import PdfiumError
from pypdfium2._helpers.matrix import PdfMatrix
from pypdfium2._helpers.bitmap import PdfBitmap

    import PIL.Image
except ImportError:
    PIL = None

[docs] class PdfObject (pdfium_i.AutoCloseable): """ Page object helper class. When constructing a :class:`.PdfObject`, an instance of a more specific subclass may be returned instead, depending on the object's :attr:`.type` (e. g. :class:`.PdfImage`). Attributes: raw (FPDF_PAGEOBJECT): The underlying PDFium pageobject handle. type (int): The object's type (:data:`FPDF_PAGEOBJ_*`). page (PdfPage): Reference to the page this pageobject belongs to. May be None if it does not belong to a page yet. pdf (PdfDocument): Reference to the document this pageobject belongs to. May be None if the object does not belong to a document yet. This attribute is always set if :attr:`.page` is set. level (int): Nesting level signifying the number of parent Form XObjects, at the time of construction. Zero if the object is not nested in a Form XObject. """ def __new__(cls, raw, *args, **kwargs): type = pdfium_c.FPDFPageObj_GetType(raw) if type == pdfium_c.FPDF_PAGEOBJ_IMAGE: instance = super().__new__(PdfImage) else: instance = super().__new__(PdfObject) instance.type = type return instance def __init__(self, raw, page=None, pdf=None, level=0): self.raw,, self.pdf, self.level = raw, page, pdf, level if page is not None: if self.pdf is None: self.pdf = page.pdf elif self.pdf is not page.pdf: raise ValueError("*page* must belong to *pdf* when constructing a pageobject.") super().__init__(pdfium_c.FPDFPageObj_Destroy, needs_free=(page is None)) @property def parent(self): # AutoCloseable hook # May be None (loose pageobject) return self.pdf if is None else
[docs] def get_pos(self): """ Get the position of the object on the page. Returns: A tuple of four :class:`float` coordinates for left, bottom, right, and top. """ if is None: raise RuntimeError("Must not call get_pos() on a loose pageobject.") l, b, r, t = c_float(), c_float(), c_float(), c_float() ok = pdfium_c.FPDFPageObj_GetBounds(self, l, b, r, t) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to locate pageobject.") return (l.value, b.value, r.value, t.value)
[docs] def get_matrix(self): """ Returns: PdfMatrix: The pageobject's current transform matrix. """ fs_matrix = pdfium_c.FS_MATRIX() ok = pdfium_c.FPDFPageObj_GetMatrix(self, fs_matrix) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to get matrix of pageobject.") return PdfMatrix.from_raw(fs_matrix)
[docs] def set_matrix(self, matrix): """ Parameters: matrix (PdfMatrix): Set this matrix as the pageobject's transform matrix. """ ok = pdfium_c.FPDFPageObj_SetMatrix(self, matrix) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to set matrix of pageobject.")
[docs] def transform(self, matrix): """ Parameters: matrix (PdfMatrix): Multiply the page object's current transform matrix by this matrix. """ pdfium_c.FPDFPageObj_Transform(self, *matrix.get())
# In principle, we would like to move PdfImage to a separate file, but it's not that easy because of the two-fold connection with PdfObject, which would run us into a circular import. (However, what we could do is externalize the class under a different name and turn PdfImage into a wrapper which merely inherits from that class.)
[docs] class PdfImage (PdfObject): """ Image object helper class (specific kind of page object). """ # cf. #: Filters applied by :func:`FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded`. Hereafter referred to as "simple filters", while non-simple filters will be called "complex filters". SIMPLE_FILTERS = ("ASCIIHexDecode", "ASCII85Decode", "RunLengthDecode", "FlateDecode", "LZWDecode")
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, pdf): """ Parameters: pdf (PdfDocument): The document to which the new image object shall be added. Returns: PdfImage: Handle to a new, empty image. Note that position and size of the image are defined by its matrix, which defaults to the identity matrix. This means that new images will appear as a tiny square of 1x1 units on the bottom left corner of the page. Use :class:`.PdfMatrix` and :meth:`.set_matrix` to adjust size and position. """ raw_img = pdfium_c.FPDFPageObj_NewImageObj(pdf) return cls(raw_img, page=None, pdf=pdf)
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Retrieve image metadata including DPI, bits per pixel, color space, and size. If the image does not belong to a page yet, bits per pixel and color space will be unset (0). Note: * The DPI values signify the resolution of the image on the PDF page, not the DPI metadata embedded in the image file. * Due to issues in PDFium, this function can be slow. If you only need image size, prefer the faster :meth:`.get_size` instead. Returns: FPDF_IMAGEOBJ_METADATA: Image metadata structure """ # metadata = pdfium_c.FPDF_IMAGEOBJ_METADATA() ok = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata(self,, metadata) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to get image metadata.") return metadata
[docs] def get_size(self): """ .. versionadded:: 4.8/5731 Returns: (int, int): Image dimensions as a tuple of (width, height). """ # w, h = c_uint(), c_uint() ok = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetImagePixelSize(self, w, h) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to get image size.") return w.value, h.value
[docs] def load_jpeg(self, source, pages=None, inline=False, autoclose=True): """ Set a JPEG as the image object's content. Parameters: source (str | pathlib.Path | typing.BinaryIO): Input JPEG, given as file path or readable byte buffer. pages (list[PdfPage] | None): If replacing an image, pass in a list of loaded pages that might contain it, to update their cache. (The same image may be shown multiple times in different transforms across a PDF.) May be None or an empty sequence if the image is not shared. inline (bool): Whether to load the image content into memory. If True, the buffer may be closed after this function call. Otherwise, the buffer needs to remain open until the PDF is closed. autoclose (bool): If the input is a buffer, whether it should be automatically closed once not needed by the PDF anymore. """ if isinstance(source, (str, Path)): buffer = open(source, "rb") autoclose = True elif pdfium_i.is_buffer(source, "r"): buffer = source else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot load JPEG from {source} - not a file path or byte buffer.") bufaccess, to_hold = pdfium_i.get_bufreader(buffer) loader = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFileInline if inline else pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFile c_pages, page_count = pdfium_i.pages_c_array(pages) ok = loader(c_pages, page_count, self, bufaccess) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to load JPEG into image object.") if inline: for data in to_hold: id(data) if autoclose: buffer.close() else: self.pdf._data_holder += to_hold if autoclose: self.pdf._data_closer.append(buffer)
[docs] def set_bitmap(self, bitmap, pages=None): """ Set a bitmap as the image object's content. The pixel data will be flate compressed (as of PDFium 5418). Parameters: bitmap (PdfBitmap): The bitmap to inject into the image object. pages (list[PdfPage] | None): A list of loaded pages that might contain the image object. See :meth:`.load_jpeg`. """ c_pages, page_count = pdfium_i.pages_c_array(pages) ok = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_SetBitmap(c_pages, page_count, self, bitmap) if not ok: raise PdfiumError("Failed to set image to bitmap.")
[docs] def get_bitmap(self, render=False): """ Get a bitmap rasterization of the image. Parameters: render (bool): Whether the image should be rendered, thereby applying possible transform matrices and alpha masks. Returns: PdfBitmap: Image bitmap (with a buffer allocated by PDFium). """ if render: if self.pdf is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot get rendered bitmap of loose page object.") raw_bitmap = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetRenderedBitmap(self.pdf,, self) else: raw_bitmap = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap(self) if raw_bitmap is None: raise PdfiumError(f"Failed to get bitmap of image {self}.") return PdfBitmap.from_raw(raw_bitmap)
[docs] def get_data(self, decode_simple=False): """ Parameters: decode_simple (bool): If True, apply simple filters, resulting in semi-decoded data (see :attr:`.SIMPLE_FILTERS`). Otherwise, the raw data will be returned. Returns: ctypes.Array: The data of the image stream (as :class:`~ctypes.c_ubyte` array). """ func = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded if decode_simple else pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw n_bytes = func(self, None, 0) buffer = (ctypes.c_ubyte * n_bytes)() func(self, buffer, n_bytes) return buffer
[docs] def get_filters(self, skip_simple=False): """ Parameters: skip_simple (bool): If True, exclude simple filters. Returns: list[str]: A list of image filters, to be applied in order (from lowest to highest index). """ filters = [] count = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilterCount(self) for i in range(count): length = pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(self, i, None, 0) buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length) pdfium_c.FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter(self, i, buffer, length) f = buffer.value.decode("utf-8") if skip_simple and f in self.SIMPLE_FILTERS: continue filters.append(f) return filters
[docs] def extract(self, dest, *args, **kwargs): # TODO rewrite/simplify docstring """ Extract the image into an independently usable file or byte buffer. Where possible within PDFium's limited public API, it will be attempted to transfer the image data directly, avoiding an unnecessary layer of decoding and re-encoding. Otherwise, the fully decoded data will be retrieved and (re-)encoded using :mod:`PIL`. As PDFium does not expose all required information, only DCTDecode (JPEG) and JPXDecode (JPEG 2000) images can be extracted directly. For images with complex filters, the bitmap data is used. Otherwise, ``get_data(decode_simple=True)`` is used, which avoids lossy conversion for images whose bit depth or colour format is not supported by PDFium's bitmap implementation. Parameters: dest (str | io.BytesIO): File prefix or byte buffer to which the image shall be written. fb_format (str): The image format to use in case it is necessary to (re-)encode the data. fb_render (bool): Whether the image should be rendered if falling back to bitmap-based extraction. """ # extraction_gen = _extract_smart(self, *args, **kwargs) format = next(extraction_gen) if isinstance(dest, str): dest = Path(dest) if isinstance(dest, Path): with open(dest.with_suffix("."+format), "wb") as buf: extraction_gen.send(buf) elif pdfium_i.is_buffer(dest, "w"): extraction_gen.send(dest) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot extract to '{dest}'")
ImageInfo = namedtuple("ImageInfo", "format mode metadata all_filters complex_filters") class ImageNotExtractableError (Exception): pass def _get_pil_mode(colorspace, bpp): # In theory, indexed (palettized) and ICC-based color spaces could be handled as well, but PDFium currently does not provide access to the palette or the ICC profile if colorspace == pdfium_c.FPDF_COLORSPACE_DEVICEGRAY: if bpp == 1: return "1" else: return "L" elif colorspace == pdfium_c.FPDF_COLORSPACE_DEVICERGB: return "RGB" elif colorspace == pdfium_c.FPDF_COLORSPACE_DEVICECMYK: return "CMYK" else: return None def _extract_smart(image_obj, fb_format=None, fb_render=False): # FIXME somewhat hard to read... try: data, info = _extract_direct(image_obj) except ImageNotExtractableError: # TODO? log reason why the image cannot be extracted directly pil_image = image_obj.get_bitmap(render=fb_render).to_pil() else: pil_image = None format = info.format if format == "raw": metadata = info.metadata pil_image = PIL.Image.frombuffer( info.mode, (metadata.width, metadata.height), image_obj.get_data(decode_simple=True), "raw", info.mode, 0, 1, ) if pil_image: format = fb_format if fb_format else "tiff" if pil_image.mode == "CMYK" else "png" buffer = yield format, format=format) if pil_image else buffer.write(data) yield # breakpoint preventing StopIteration on .send() def _extract_direct(image_obj): all_filters = image_obj.get_filters() complex_filters = [f for f in all_filters if f not in PdfImage.SIMPLE_FILTERS] metadata = image_obj.get_metadata() mode = _get_pil_mode(metadata.colorspace, metadata.bits_per_pixel) if len(complex_filters) == 0: if mode: out_data = image_obj.get_data(decode_simple=True) out_format = "raw" else: raise ImageNotExtractableError(f"Unhandled color space {pdfium_i.ColorspaceToStr.get(metadata.colorspace)} - don't know how to treat data.") elif len(complex_filters) == 1: f = complex_filters[0] if f == "DCTDecode": out_data = image_obj.get_data(decode_simple=True) out_format = "jpg" elif f == "JPXDecode": out_data = image_obj.get_data(decode_simple=True) out_format = "jp2" else: raise ImageNotExtractableError(f"Unhandled complex filter {f}.") else: raise ImageNotExtractableError(f"Cannot handle multiple complex filters {complex_filters}.") info = ImageInfo(out_format, mode, metadata, all_filters, complex_filters) return out_data, info